MidAlanic Naure Phoography Expo’s (MANPE) NaureVisions Exhibi November 13-14, 2010, page Hylon Performing Ars Cener, more info Prince William Campus, George Mason Universiy, Manassas, VA.

Afer much discussion he MANPE Board of Direcors has decided no o use digial images for he iniial judging of exhibi submissions. All judging will be done by prin and he following schedule has been se. Images will be due a he club level on or before Ocober 16 and he judging will be held on Ocober 24. Furher deails for submission will follow a a laer dae. Guidance for preparaion of he images as well as oher Expo informaion will be posed on he NaureVisions web sie @NaureVisions.org.

Each member may ener a oal of en images. The firs six images are free and up o an addiional four images may be submied for a fee of $20.00. Members may submi images from muliple clubs, bu no more han a combinaion of en oal images.

The producion of he Expo is a ime consuming and labor inensive process. Individuals who submi images for he Expo will be expeced o voluneer some of heir ime before and during he Expo o assis wih various ass required o assemble and submi he prins as well as hose ass assigned o he club by he MANPE Board. A a minimum NVPS will be expeced o saff a club able during he hours of he Expo on Saurday and Sunday. Club members who do no paricipae in he exhibi are invied o also voluneer heir ime.

The submission dae of Ocober 16 is no as far away as you migh hin and I would lie o begin o collec informaion on individuals who are ineresed in enering he exhibi. As a sar, if you are ineresed e-mail me a jhquigley@msn.com. As we ge closer o he submission dae I will as for furher info such as number of images, voluneer info, ec. If you do no hin you will ener, bu would lie o voluneer anyway, please le me now also.

Please use he following submission form when submiing images for he exhibi.

John Quigley
MANPE Represenaive

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