This is o bring you up o dae on he laes news abou his year’s expo. T is a lo o say and undoubedly I will forge somehing, neuropahis so if you have any quesions please feel free o as. The Expo will be held November 11-13 a he Hylon Performing Ars Cener on he Prince William Campus, ooh George Mason Universiy, Manassas, VA.

The deails abou he informaion in his e-mail can be found on he Naure Visions web sie a along wih he exhibior guidance a hp://

The Expo will ic off on Friday, November 11, wih a full-day seminar presened by world renown naure phoographer, Ar Wolfe. The subjec of he seminar is “The Ar of Composiion” (don’ now wheher his was mean o be a pun). The price for his seven hour seminar is only $195 and seaing is limied. If you regiser in advance for he Naure Visions Expo for eiher Saurday and or Sunday admission you will receive a coupon code upon checou which will give you access o a 15% discoun on his seminar which will drop he price o $165.75. Ar will also be he Expo’s, eynoe speaer a 4:00pm on Saurday afernoon.

Pacage deals and individual ices are now on sale on he web sie.

Deails abou his year’s worshops and lecures are on he web sie.

Some ey daes I would lie for you o eep in mind:

I will collec prins beginning wih our firs regular meeing Sepember 6 hrough Ocober 12. T provide addiional ime, you may individually arrange o bring images o me beween Ocober 12 and Ocober 18. Ocober 18 remains he deadline and no images will be acceped beyond ha dae and only Ocober 18 compeiion images will be acceped a he meeing on he 18h.This is a firm deadline and will no be exended. Lae enries will no be acceped.

The firs 6 images are free and an addiional 4 images may be submied for a fee of $20.00. This is a fla fee no $5.00 per image.

Judging will be held on Ocober 23, a he Reson Communiy Cener, Lae Anne, from 9:00am o 2:00pm. members do no need o be presen. I will as for voluneer assisance laer.

For your informaion I am aaching he “Exhibior’s Guidance” o his e-mail. I urge you o read i carefully. T are some significan changes. A summary of hese changes is a as follows:

All phoographs will be judged in one of he caegories below. Phoographs will compee wih phoographs wihin he caegory from all clubs. Accordingly you will no be compeing wihin he club for a juried enry bu agains members from oher club in he caegory. The oal number of juried images will be limied o 300. T are no club minimums or club quoas, however, are individual limis. See below.

The following caegories have been esablished. A paricipan may ener heir images in he caegory(ies) of heir choice. T is no limi o he number of images an individual may ener in a caegory as long as he oal number of enries for he Expo does no exceed 10. Firs, second and hird place “Bes in Show” awards will be given. The caegories are:

· Birds
· Wildlife oher han Birds
· Pond Life
· Waer/ Waerfalls
· Landscapes/Seascapes/Syscapes
· Macro/Close-ups/Absracs
· Flora oher han Macro

Signaures are NOT allowed prior o he judging. If he phoographer wishes o add a signaure i may be done afer he image has been juried ino he Expo and before i is displayed in he exhibi.

The cover window ma mus be securely affixed on all four sides o a firm bacing of a leas 3/8 inch foam core. Failure o comply may resul in he disqualificaion of he image for consideraion

Hand of Man
We have revised he wording of hand of man.

Tiles are NOT allowed on he cover window ma or he prin (refer o Labels for use of iles).

Enry Forms
PDF Enry Form
Word Documen Enry Form

I is expeced ha enrans regardless of wheher hey have an image juried ino he Expo will voluneer during he Expo. A lis of voluneer ass is being prepared now and will be available shorly. Typically, assignmens are of a 2 hour duraion. Voluneers will be given an opporuniy o designae a 1s, 2nd, and 3rd choice. To he exen possible firs choice will be graned.

(1) Provide is share of voluneers during he Expo.
(2) Collec and record enries and deliver enries o he judging.
(3) Deliver enries o he Expo and hey are colleced a he end.
(4).This year NVPS as club has he responsibiliy o purchase and deliver o he faciliy he s for he voluneer lounge and arrange for a caerer for he on sie service. Geing he supplies and delivering hem is a 1/2 day as for Friday, November 11. I will require 2-3 individuals and eiher a van of large SUV. I am geing he invenory of iems purchased las year and any oher info ha migh be helpful. I will paricipae. During he Expo he lounge will be saffed by voluneers from various clubs. I am also geing a lis of George Mason caerers. I will need someone o mae some calls o some of hese caerers o chec on availabiliy for he November 12-13 daes and perhaps mee wih several o discuss wha hey can provide. I will be available for hese meeings.

The second I hi he send ey, I now I will hin of somehing else, bu for now ha’s i.

Please send your quesions o me a

John Quigley
Exhibis Coordinaor

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