Welcome to the NVPS Mentor Program. The purpose of the program is to provide NVPS members an opportunity to receive individual or small group personalized training on a variety of topics.  Some of those topics are (1) how to effectively use your camera controls and menus, (2) photographing various subjects, e.g., landscape, travel, nature wildlife, macro/close-up, or portraits (3) how to use image processing software and (4) how to prepare images for competition, printing and matting.  We can also arrange for mentors to review your images and suggest ways they can be improved.

Given that NVPS meetings and most other Club activities will be virtual in nature rather than in-person this Fall, we will rely on the use of online tools such as Zoom or Face Time to facilitate the mentoring process.

In order to participate in the program members must have paid their annual dues.  Begin by emailing the Mentor Coordinators for your copy of the Mentor Capability spreadsheet that identifies their expertise, location, etc.  Identify what you would like to learn and select one potential Mentor from the spreadsheet.  Contact the Mentor Coordinator for your selected Mentor’s contact information, and discuss with the Mentor what you would like to accomplish.  If there is a good fit, work with the Mentor to arrange meeting dates and times, etc. Note that since each Mentor can support a limited number of members you may not be able to work with your preferred Mentor.  If that should happen select another Mentor.  Once a Mentor agrees to work with you, please inform the Mentor Program Coordinator so we can update the database.

You may choose to use different Mentors throughout your participation in the Mentor Program, but please only work with one Mentor at a time.  For example, you may work with one Mentor to improve your image composition, and then with another Mentor on how to better use image processing software.  Let the Mentor Program Coordinators know you are ending your partnership with one Mentor and would like to select a different one. When you no longer wish to participate in the program, please contact the Mentor Program Coordinators.

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