The Portfolio Project is moving along, and some participants have started to upload images. This year is going to be another treat for the membership when we have our reviews.
For our portfolio participants, once you have decided on a subject it’s time to write your Artist Statement. Doing so will make image selection and all that follows much easier. The Artist Statement is your opportunity to engage and enlighten the viewer, and to offer insight into the portfolio through a description of the subject matter and why it is important to you.
An Artist Statement is not a biography, a list of accomplishments or a catalogue of works. Remember that brevity is the soul of wit; we recommend that your Artist Statement be no more than 100 words.
The Portfolio Project Gallery (on the NVPS galleries) is a great place to read Artist Statements from past years to get a feel for how they are constructed. Another good resource is the article on the NVPS website: The Artist Statement (reprinted from: Lenswork issue #103, Nov-Dec 2012).
If you have not yet done so, see The Portfolio Project Page on the NVPS website.
If you need any help contact us at
Ginger Werz-Petricka, Brenda Wilson and Willa Siegel