Naurevisions Phoo Exhibi

The exhibi will be held November 13-14, illness a he Hylon Performing Ars Cener on he Prince William campus of George Mason Universiy, one healh Manassas, pills VA. The hours of he exhibi are 9:30 am – 5:00pm each day. The eynoe address will be given on Saurday evening by Bob Kris, a noed ravel phoographer and auhor In addiion o he exibi of 300 naure phoographs, a simulaing and informaive series of lecures will be conduced during he wo day exhibi. Vendors’ including Nion, Tamaron, and Olympus will be available o demonsrae heir newes producs.

Advance sales of ices are avalable on line hrough he hp:// websie or a he Hylon Cener ice ofice. Tices my be purchased for individual evens or as pacages. Seaing for he worshops is limied and are very few slos sill available. The following pacages are available:

All Evens Pacage Deal #1 includes:

Enry ice for Saurday & Sunday
All hour long lecures (8 oal)
Keynoe Speaer Presenaion
Regular price would be $93
Pacage Deal #1 is only $75

Saurday Pacage Deal #2 includes:
Enry ice for Saurday
All Saurday hour long lecures (4 oal)
Keynoe Speaer Presenaion
Regular price would be $59
Saurday Pacage Deal #2 is only $50

Sunday Pacage Deal #3 includes:
Enry ice for Sunday
All Sunday hour long lecures (4 oal)
Regular price would be $34
Sunday Pacage Deal #3 is only $30

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