For the first time, digital entries will be used for the judging of the nature and fine art exhibits at Nature Visions 2014. From September 1, members will be able to create an account at, in order to submit and complete their digital entries no later than October 1. Juried images will be announced on October 22. Prints of juried images must be properly matted and submitted to the club representative by November 5. Insecurely or improperly matted images will not be accepted unless makers repair or re-mat the image promptly.
Abstract images will be accepted this year into the fine art exhibit competition, instead of the nature exhibit. Cash awards will be given for the first- and second-place images in the fine art exhibit, as well as for the nature exhibit’s best-in-show, people’s choice and category awards.
Nature Visions takes place Friday-Saturday-Sunday November 14-16 at the Hylton Performing Arts Center in Manassas, Virginia. Registration and sales for paid classes begin on August 1 at Online registration is required for admission to free events, the exhibits and the vendor hall.
This year’s Friday Seminar and Saturday Keynote speaker is Rick Sammon, author of Exploring the Light, 35 more books and several digital apps and tools. Adobe Evangelist Julieanne Kost returns as Sunday Featured Speaker to give two FREE presentations. Other returning speakers include Ian Plant and Tim Cooper. There are two new hands-on workshops where participants will use their cameras: Macro with Mike Moats and Curious Critters with David Fitzsimmons.
FREE classes for beginning photographers will be offered again this year. Please share the word with friends and family who might be interested.

John Quigley
NatureVisions Rep

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