The MAPV image upload window is now open until September 17. Abbreviated upload instructions are below. In order to enter this competition, you must be a current member of a participating photo club and you must have an MAPV account. Click the links below for more detailed information. Once logged-in, more detailed upload instructions are available. Please submit your images early!
Submission Instructions
Dates and Deadlines
Nature Competition Rules
Photo-Art Competition Rules
Create an MAPV Account (only if you don’t already have one)
Upload Image Instructions
Login to your MAPV Account (in the upper right (Login)
Once logged-in, click on “Submit Images to a Competition”
Select an Image Category (e.g., “Abstract”)
Select: “Upload Images into the Competition”
Click on: “Select” to upload your images for that category (You may select multiple images in a single category)
Click on: “Save Images and Proceed to Edit Page” (Enter your image titles, etc.)
Important, Click on: “Save any changes and return to the original page”
Repeat the process for other image categories. Note: You can add, delete or change images until September 17, 2021.