The NVPS Constitution requires that on the second Tuesday of March, the nominating committee, appointed by the president, announces the nominees for the upcoming year’s elected board. The candidates are shown below.

PresidentJudy Graham
VP of ProgramsKirk Johnson
Co-VP’s of CompetitionsTana Ebbole and Brenda Wilson
TreasurerTom Brett
VP of OperationsFrank Napoli
Colena TurnerSecretary
2021-2022 Candidates for the Elected Board

Any member who would like to also be a candidate for one of these positions may do so by getting two other club members to nominate you. You will also need to contact Kevin Egan (chairman of the nominating committee – in writing and express your desire to run and commit to run if elected. The cutoff date is April 13. Elections will be held virtually on May 6. The election rules are provided on page 3 of the NVPS Constitution located under Member Menu -> Documents -> NVPS Constitution on the website: (Shown below.)

  • Nominating Committee:
  • Kevin Egan – Chairman
  • Mike Whalen
  • Ron Taylor

Article II. Elections

Election of officers shall be held annually. The President shall appoint a nominating committee. The committee will prepare a single roster of proposed officers by mid-March and obtain the agreement of the nominees to serve if elected. The list of nominees will be announced at the second regular club meeting in March. Any additional nominations must be made by the second regular club meeting in April, in writing, to the Chairperson of the nominating committee. Such nominations may be made and seconded by any club members other than the candidate. The candidate must notify the chairperson of the nominating committee, in writing, of his/her willingness to accept the nomination and serve if elected. The nominating committee shall then notify all members, in the newsletter and by posting the names on the web site, of the nominees for each office. The chairperson of the nominating committee shall present the roster of candidates at the first regular club meeting in May. Election will be by voice vote when there are no additional nominations or by written ballot when additional nominations have been made. Vacancies in the elected club offices shall be filled by the President subject to approval by the Board. Vacancy of the President’s office shall be filled on a temporary basis by the Vice President for Programs, or if the Vice President for Programs is unable or unwilling to serve, shall be filled by the Vice-President for Competitions. The Acting President shall convene a special meeting of the Board within 30 days for the purpose of electing a successor President to complete the term. Selection of a successor President shall be by majority vote of the Board.

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