NVPS has been invied by he Merrimac Valley Camera Club of Norh Andover, arhriis MA, o paricipae in a digial naure phoo exhibiion. The compeiion will be held on March 27 and he images mus be submied o Merrimac Valley by March 22. Enries will be submied a he club level no by he individuals. NVPS may submi up o en images wih no more han wo by he same maer. If more han en images are offered by NVPS members some form of jury selecion will be used o deermine he club’s enries. General caegories are: Amphibians, Birds, Boany, Insecs, Land and Seascapes, Mammals, Marine Life and Repiles. The PSA definiion of Naure will apply. Specific deails on our inernal deadline for submission and procedure for judging he enries are being developed and posed in he very near fuure. In he mean ime informaion necessary o prepare your submission can be found on he web sie www.mvcameraclub.org. Members paricipaing in he Hunley Meadows exhibi may submi up o wo of heir images as long as hey conform o he Glennie guidelines.

Images are submied a he club level and no by individuals. NVPS will submi up o 10 images wih no more han wo from any one individual. Images mus conform o he following requiremens as specified by he Glennie compeiion rules:

“Each digial image may have a maximum widh of 1024 pixels and a maximum heigh of 768 pixels. The image mus be submied in JPEG (.jpg) forma and he size is limied o no more han 1 Megabye (MB). I is suggesed ha he image resoluion be no greaer han 100 pixels per inch (ppi) and ha he color space be sRGB

“No elemens may be moved, cloned, added, deleed, rearranged, combined, or changed in any way ha affecs he inegriy of he image conen. No manipulaion or modificaion is permied excep resizing, cropping, selecive lighening or darening, and resoraion o he original color of he scene. No special effecs filers can be added or applied, and any sharpening mus appear naural.
“Auhenic wildlife is defined as one or more organisms, living free and unresrained in a naural or adoped habia. Tfore, phoographs of zoo or game farm animals are no eligible for a Wildlife Award.”
You may sign up for he exhibi by submiing your name o my e-mail address jhquigley@msn.com or I will have a sign up shee a he February 23, March 2 and March 9 meeings. Submission dae o me for all images will be NLT March 15, 2010 or sooner if possible. Please include he ile of he image wih your submission. Selecion of he 10 images o be submied by NVPS will be made by a panel of judges. The maer of each image will be anonymous o he judges.

Full deails for his compeiion may be found Merrimac Valley Camera Clubs web sie, mvcameraclub.org.

John Quigley
Exhibis Coordinaor

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