Here are materials that were used in the Oct. 11, 2011 workshop on The Basics of Matting. The first is a pdf file (Matting-workshop-handout.pdf) that was put together by Roger Lancaster and includes a list of suppliers and resources. The second is an Excel spreadsheet (one for Excel 2007, the other for version 2003) done by Georgette Grossman which is very useful to calculate the size of the opening when cutting a mat. A description and instructions for the spreadsheets are also included (Matte-Cutting Directions_10-11-11.pdf).

Matting Workshop Handout PDF (Username and Password required.)

MATTE CUTTING Direcions_10-11-11 PDF (Username and Password required.)

Georgette_QUICK_MATTE_CALCULATION_SPREADSHEET_2003 (Username and Password required.)

Georgette_QUICK MATTE CALCULATION SPREADSHEET (Username and Password required.)

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