Many thanks to those of you who took the time to participate in this exhibit, as photographers and volunteers. As you know, this is the first year for this open themed exhibit, which was launched as an adjunct show to Nature Visions, in order to include those photographers who like to create non-nature images.

The show will be held in Beacon Hall, just across the street from the Hylton Center. There was space for 159 prints to be hung, and a total of 170 from the 7 camera clubs were received. It was decided that space would be found for all 170 prints, so nothing will be juried out. A total of 38 prints was entered by our club.

NVPS exhibitors and print titles are as follows:


Fran Bastress:  “Madison County Spring”

“Newfoundland Beach”

Joy Brathwaite:  “Building with Open Windows”

Thomas Brett:  “Farmer and Beast”

“Morning Trek”

Sandi Croan:  “Tuscan Villa”

“Taj Reflection”

Bob Friedman:  “Navy-Merchant Marine Memorial”

“Glade Creek Mill”

Willa Friedman:  “Newington Landmark”

“Three Windows”

Georgette Grossman:  “Crooked Smile”

“The Neighborhood”

Roger Lancaster:  “Girl in Tunnel”

“Abandoned Juliette Mill”

Melanie Marts:  “Haleiwa Harbor”

“Oahu Church Ruins”

Benita Mayo:  “Inaugural Flags”


Karol Murray:  “Open Door”

Judy McGuire:  “Looking out to Sea”

“Piano Player”

Ursy Potter:  “Marina and the Flower Field”

“The Fisherman and his Cormorant”

Ceasar Sharper:  “Sunrise on the Basin”

“Elevator Drop”

Willa Siegel:  “Magnolia Gardens”

“Peek-a-boo Pastel”

Tami Stieger:  “Freedom is not Free”

“Just Let Me Sleep”

Bill Vanderpool:  “Costa Rican Sunset”

“Chinese Dancers”


Dan Ward:  “Legacy Quill”

“Incense Dragon”

Ginger Werz-Petricka:  “Lonely Shoes”

“Bodie Island Light”

Mike Whalen:  “Lorton Prison Dorm”

“Old Ford Truck”


See you at the show

Melanie Marts, exhibit manager

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