Two NVPS members’ images won “Best in Category” awards at the at the NatureVisions Judging on Sunday, October 21. Yulan Gao’s “Golden Morning” was selected in the Water category and John Quigley’s “Ghost Flight” was selected in the Macro/Close-ups/Abstracts category. Both are eligible for consideration as Best in Show which will be announced at the Expo’s keynote address on Saturday, November 10.

In addition to Yulan’s and John’s awards, 32 other NVPS members had one or more images juried. Sandi Croan headed the list with 7 juried images followed by Ceasar Sharper with 5; Stanley Bysshe, Andrew Fritz, Jamie Kiechlin, James Norman, John Quigley, and Ginger Wertz-Petricka with 4.

Please find the list of all NVPS Members juried images in the attachement. NVPS Juried Only-2 NVPS

John Quigley
NV Rep

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