Lynn will share her love of the creative aspects of water photography. Moving water is fascinating whether it is in majestic waterfalls or tiny streams. It has many moods – from lively and energetic to peaceful and calm. Lynn will discuss how to capture some of these moods with techniques she uses in the field such as varying shutter speeds and filters. She also will discuss the techniques she uses in post-processing to accentuate lines, shapes, and textures to help bring out the feelings she wants to evoke. Lynn also will talk about photographing reflections and water droplets.

Lynn became serious about photography in June 2015. That month she began shooting RAW at a workshop in Acadia National Park, and she took Corey Hilz’s class “Lightroom in a Day”  and started processing her images. She is passionate about combining her photography with her cross-country road trips. She loves her Nikon D850. You can view her work at

Lynn’s presentation can be viewed Here: The Joys of Water Photography (Username and Password required.)

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