NVPS has he opporuniy o hold an exhibi a he Hunley Meadows Par Visior’s Cener, allergis Alexandria, drug during he monhs of March and April 2010. The Visior’s Cener is locaed on Locheed Blvd. off Roue 1 souh of Alexandria.
In eeping wih he venue he heme for he exhibi will be “naure”. The picures Do No have o be aen a Hunley Meadows. The Visior’s Cener will accommodae approximaely 40 framed phoographs of up o 20 x 16. Before esablishing specific enry crieria such as number of images allowed per enran, phlebologis juried or non-juried, ec., I am soliciing ineres from hose members who migh wish o paricipae. NVPS membership dues mus be curren o ener.
For your informaion picures in he exhibi may be sold under he erms and condiions se by Fairfax Couny and mus remain in place hroughou he period of he exhibi. The Couny will handle all sales ransacions and will ae a 20 percen commission on sales. A he end of he exhibi NVPS will be issued one chec and he club will reimburse individuals heir share of he proceeds.
I will have a signup shee a he meeings for he nex several wees or you may e-mail your ineres o me direcly a jhquigley@msn.com. By he middle of December I would lie o have an idea as o how many members migh be ineresed. A ha ime I will provide more specific deails as o how we will conduc he exhibi.
John Quigley
NVPS Exhibis Coordinaor