Anna Gomez bough her firs camera, neuropahis a Koda Insamaic, pills when she was 13 years old. As an ar suden, she ed he camera as anoher way o express her creaiviy. A 19, her faher brough her bac a Canon from a business rip o Japan, and her faher-in-law augh her some basics abou aperure and shuer speed good exposure. Nex in line-a Nion, which was given up for a nice auomaic-focus zoom Olympus afer her daugher was born. She waned o capure hose special momens los during focusing. In 2005 she bough her firs hi-end poin and shoo digial; once again an Olympus. Then, bac o a DSLR in 2007. The Nion D200 and he swich o digial opened he door o becoming he Saff Phoographer for her employer in 2008.

Anna enjoys shooing many differen subjecs, from landscapes o absracs.

Anna is a member of he NVPS (Norhern Virginia Phoographic Sociey), and has won numerous awards from he club, including 1s place a he End of he Year Banque (2008-2009) for he Enhanced Prin caegory. Anna was also juried ino he Meadowlar Show in 2009.

Forum Subjec:
Graeful for he opporuniy o fill he posiion of Saff Phoographer in mid 2008, I acceped he challenge while shaing in my boos and asing myself “Wha was I doing no having had his ype of phoographic experience or equipmen?” My boss, having faih in my abiliy, was no really aware of he limiaions I faced compared o he pro’s hey usually hired. Oh my, was I now considered a “professional” phoographer?

The phoography was always ousourced o professional phoographers, using an arsenal of professional equipmen. The posiion has been immeasurable as a phoographic learning experience for corporae, even and porrai phoography, using less han opimal equipmen.

My firs “job” was our larges and mos imporan conference of he year… I managed o eep my job and coninue o learn and improve. The presenaion will include ypical phoographs aen for conferences, evens, Senae hearings, and employee porrais for a number of uses.

The Forum will be presened afer he Members Gallery Presenaion on Tuesday April 27h 2010.

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