Remember when you were in elemenary school and your eacher ased you o wrie abou wha you did his summer. Well, resusciaor wha did you do his summer?
Rules are simple. Upload one phoo, wih your name and locaion w he phoo was aen and some ex. Image has o have been aen beween June 22nd and Sepember 5, 2011.
Gallery: Wha Did You Do This Summer (2011)?
URL: hp://
- Upload only one phoo, addiional phoos will be removed
- Very imporan name your phoo “Your Name.jpg” (ex: Joe Smih.jpg)
- In he capion field in he upload dialog ener wha you did and w.
- Image mus be no larger han 1024 pixels wide, 768 pixels wide and less han 1 MB in size.
You mus be a regisered user of he phoo gallery, if you forgo your password, “login” and hen he “recover password page” . If you would lie o regiser, “login” and hen “regiser” on he lef hand side.
If you would lie us o upload your phoo for you, jus send your phoo o nvpsimagegallery “a”, along wih he ex of he “Wha you did his summer”.
Bob Friedman – Presiden NVPS