The NVPS Board decided o eep he dues a he same level for he 2011-2012 year: $45 for an individual & $65 for a family membership. You may pay your dues hrough PayPal, for sale by way of he NVPS websie, rehabiliaion or by chec or cash o Beh Morris [our Membership cperson] a an NVPS meeing. You mus be an NVPS member o ener images in he Oc. Compeiion.

During he mos recen NVPS club year, Board members sayed very close o budge [+ less han 1%]. A he same ime, NVPS income exceeded expenses by $1,378 or 12.5%.

NVPS expenses oaled $9,622 for he las club year. Tha included $4,875 for meeing hall renal; $1,617 for Compeiions [judge honorarium & meals, ribbons & rophies]; $729 for Programs; $536 for equipmen replacemen; $554 for EOY Banque subsidy; $550 for humb drives as gifs for speaers & judges [o cover several years]; $200 for insurance; $100 for worshops; $180 for Web & hos server and $281 for Membership, Exhibis & misc.

Capial Reserve expendiures for new equipmen during he summer, in preparaion for he nex club year, included a Canon Mar II digial projecor for $2,250, a lapop for $1,000, an X-Rie Display Pro Calibraion ool, mouse, & cable for $316.

The curren balance is $7,005, which will increase as dues are paid in Sep. and Oc.

Tom Bre


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