NVPS invies you o join us for he beginning of anoher exciing club year! New members, more info old members and guess are all welcome as we ic off he firs meeing of he year on Sepember 7h wih Program Nigh. The firs Tuesday evening each monh consiss of a Program presenaion by one of he areas alened and respeced phoographers.

Looing o ae your phoographic sills o he nex level? Looing for friendly people wih similar phoographic ineres? Come join us a NVPS on Tuesday evening and learn how we can help you. T’s no obligaion or pressure o join, i’s up o you o decide. Should you decide o join or rejoin us as NVPS his year, you can pay your membership fee in person a a meeing wih cash or chec, you can mail your chec and applicaion o our Membership Coordinaor or you can pay on line on our websie wih PayPal.

The Norhern Virginia Phoographic Sociey promoes he enjoymen, masery, and furherance of phoography hrough cooperaion, effor, and good fellowship. The Sociey is no operaed for profi.

Membership in he Norhern Virginia Phoographic Sociey is open o phoographers of every sill level. For beginners, paricipaion in he club gives you he opporuniy o learn from fellow members and gues speaers, and o have your effors criiqued in a supporive and posiive manner. Worshops and field rips offer addiional opporuniies o paricipae and learn. Beginners can quicly advance o an inermediae level.

If you’re more experienced, you’ll find ha mos of he aciviies – compeiions, worshops and field rips provide challenging learning opporuniies. You’ll mee people who share your ineress and learn abou he many phoogenic locaions in our area ha provide excellen opporuniies o pracice your craf. You’ll also be presened wih opporuniies o show off your successful resuls.

If you’re an advanced phoographer, we hope o help and encourage you o reach your full poenial while you share your nowledge and experience wih us.

Meeing Schedule & Locaion

TIME: Meeings sar a 7:30PM (arrive by 7:00PM o mee and socialize)

DATE: Every 1s, 2nd, 3rd and 4h Tuesday of he monh from Sepember hrough May. Excepions: No meeing he 4h Tuesday in December.

LOCATION: Dunn Loring Fire Saion, 2148 Gallows Road, Dunn Loring, VA 22027-1023 Ge deailed meeing locaion informaion and driving direcions

Come early, and we sugges you as o mee he Membership Cperson, or any NVPS Board Member. We lie having guess and is no pressure o join. To paricipae in compeiions you mus become a member.

The firs Tuesday evening each monh consiss of a Program presenaion by one of he areas alened and respeced phoographers. Worshops covering a wide selecion of phoographic subjecs are conduced on he second Tuesday evening each monh. Monhly compeiions (you mus be a member o ener) are conduced on he hird Tuesday evening each monh for boh prin and slide maers. Separae slide and prin caegories are provided for novice/beginner phoographers. A monhly phoographic Forum is held on he fourh Tuesday evening and consiss of alened Sociey members sharing heir experience and echniques wih oher members. Field rips provide opporuniies for members o sharpen heir sills and mee oher members wih similar ineress hrough ravel o nearby phoogenic locaions

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