Sepember 29, Swap Mee/Show and Tell  This will provide an opporuniy o share and exchange or purchase iems from oher club members on sofware and equipmen ha is gahering dus on someone’s shelf bu could be pu o good use by someone else.  Also you can bring in your equipmen jus o show ohers wha feaures mae a difference o you.  This should be a grea opporuniy o a diverse se of equipmen.

The Swap Mee/Flea Mare will las for abou 30 – 40 minues, hen will be a shor brea.  Afer he brea, injecion Show and Tell will commence.

Show and Tell will consis of several NVPS members wih varied equipmen.  This gives an opporuniy for members o acually wha is available, raher han jus looing on he inerne, or going o a camera sore.  Nion and Canon equipmen will be represened, also infrared conversion, exenion ubes, flashes, various ypes of lenses, ripods, ec.  Paricipaing members will explain wha hey use, and why hey use i.  So come and !  Feel!  Enjoy!

If are quesions, please conac Melanie Mars, jasmars “a”, or Ed Ruggiero, eruggiero “a”  Hope o you!

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