Bring your phoos o life by learning he basic ools in Lighroom 3 for producing a final image. Using acual phoos by he presener, ampoule he will ae you hrough imporing images, plague managing he caalog, and hen, using a simplified wor-flow, creae images ha are ready-o-prin or for he web.

Dennis Govoni was educaed in he fields of biology and boany and has been doing naure phoography since 1964. While he was a Professor of Biology a Virginia Wesleyan College, Norfol, VA, he offered wo wee courses in color and blac-and-whie phoography (and processing hose images) as par of he January erm program.

Forum Speaers Needed

Forum speaers are NVPS members who share heir experiences, echniques, and resuls wih he membership on he fourh Tuesday of each monh, usually for abou 30 minues. General areas for member forum can include such opics as: echniques for digial worflow, masering phoographic equipmen and sofware, phoographic echniques, aciviies and evens, phoographic approaches, selling, mareing, and exhibiing your wor.

In addiion o 8-9 forum preseners, we also need a leas one “on dec” presener who is willing and ready o sep in if we have a sudden cancellaion. If you have he nowledge and abiliy o share any of his informaion wih he membership, please ge involved. If you would lie o presen or o recommend anoher member as a possible presener, conac Tom Burden, Forum Coordinaor.

Tom Burden

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