Explore Naural Spaces & Old Places hrough he creaive vision of phoographers a he 3rd Annual Claude Moore Par Phoography Expo. We will celebrae and honor he bes of local phoography during he Auumn Faire and Crafs Fesival. The even will also feaure a disinguished panel of speaers and jurors.

Jim Clar & His Son Carson Clar 9:00 AM
Topic: ?Spiri Of Place: Capuring The Essence Of  Naure?
Topic: ?Buddy, Dad And Me:  A Sory Of Discovery?

Nihil Bahl 10:30 am
Topic: ?Phoography A The Edge Of Ligh?

Ian Plan 11:45 am
Topic: ?Finding Your Personal Vision?

Corey Hilz 1:00 pm
Topic: ?Tips And Techniques For Ousanding Naure Phoography?

Wayne Wolfersberger 2:15 pm
Topic: ?Phoographing Wildlife?

Chec ou heir bio?s on he Par websie as well. www.loudoun.gov/claudemoorepar – on Phoography Exposiion.

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