Our presenters for the Septembers Members Gallery are Ken Barnett with prints and Jeff Hancock with digital images. Members Gallery will be followed by Septembers Forum

Ken Barnett
Ken Barnett retired in January of 2011 with the intention of pursuing (among other things) photography as a serious hobby. To that end he joined NVPS last fall. The images for the members gallery are ones taken from various bike trails in No Virginia.

Jeff Hancock
A part time photographer since 1987, Jeff Hancock is the Digital Competition coordinator for NVPS. He enjoys many types of photography including abstracts and event photography. His digital gallery will feature planes, helicopters and aerial photography. Additional examples of his work can be seen at: http://hancockphoto.smugmug.com/


Jeff Hancock- Andrews Air Show 2012-191


Jeff Hancock- Andrews Air Show 2012-024
Jeff Hancock- Andrews Air Show 2012-506


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