On Tuesday Sepember 21s, men’s healh we will ic off our firs compeiion of he 2010-2011 season wih Seve Passman as our judge. Prior o he compeiion, please re he compeiion rules posed on he NVPS websie under “Compeiion“. Las year he membership voed new caegories for compeiion.

Again, please go o he “Compeiion” secion on he websie o re he new caegories. In his secion, you will also find informaion regarding eligibiliy requiremens, number of images, ypes of images, sizes, deadlines and insrucions for uploading digial images, ec. Also, please recall ha he image capure dae will need o be included on he image sign-in shee.

T is no heme for he Sepember Compeiion. The firs hemed compeiion of he season will be “Power of 3” and will be held in Ocober. The 2010-2011, Compeiion Themes are posed in he “Compeiion” secion of he NVPS websie.

On compeiion nigh, please plan o join us and Seve Passman for dinner a Chili’s a 5:30pm prior o he compeiion.

Seve has been phoographing since he was eleven years old. (He is now over 40.) His firs camera was an Agfa Isolee, probably brough bac from Germany by a GI afer WW2, and oday i is sill in prey decen woring condiion. Though mos of his phoographs have people in hem, he is no a specialis in he sense of subjec maerial, and seldom uses special echniques o produce or modify phoographs. He mos ofen carries one camera and wo prime lenses. He believes in personal vision: for he mos par phoographs are no “aen”, raher, phoographs “mae hemselves nown o me”. When he is no phoographing or wriing, he is a universiy professor of mahemaics and an enhusiasic coo.

Willa and Bob Friedman
Co-VPs Compeiion


Chili’s Bar and Grille
8051 Leesburg Pie
Vienna, VA


1: Tae he VA-7 W/LEESBURG PIKE exi number 47B-A oward TYSONS CORNER
2: Merge ono LEESBURG PIKE/VA-7 W oward TYSONS CORNER and move o lef lane
You will Chili’s almos immediaely on he lef.

3: Tae a lef a he firs ligh “Fashion Square” (Tiffany’s will be on he lef and Tyson’s
Corner Shopping Cener will be on he righ) and an immediae lef ono service road in
fron of Tiffany’s, ae your firs righ ino Chili’s paring lo.

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