“The negative is the equivalent of the composer’s score, and the print the performance.”
Ansel Adams
Welcome to the new club year at NVPS. I hope you had a terrific summer and are coming back with some memorable images to share with us.
This year promises to be exciting as we transition back to in–person meetings at the Dunn Loring Firehouse for Education and Training, as well as Member’s Gallery, Forum, and three of our Competition evenings. It will be wonderful to see all of you again and reestablish contacts.
We will continue to have our speakers come to us on Zoom. Being able to have speakers from all over the country has been one of the upsides of the last few years and the lineup of speakers Gary Perlow has put together will not disappoint. Log in on September 5 for our first meeting where we will hear Jeff Silva talk about “The Art of Composition.”
Competitions will be a bit different this season as we want to encourage our members to start making and showing prints again. We will have three in–person competitions where prints will be included in the judging. Wayne Guenther and Jim Sinsheimer have found terrific judges for us and worked on adapting the Rules of Competition for this transitional 2023–24 season. More on Competition is posted on the website and outlined in Fotofax.
The Educational aspect has always been a major part of the club. Jim McDermott is coordinating great programs for you, beginning in September with “Printing” to help you get started competing in the print category. Deb Rose and Tana Ebbole will be working with you on your Portfolios. And Stan Bysshe and Bill Millhouser will be here to help you in the Mentoring program.
You’ll be seeing more member prints at Member’s Gallery, coordinated by Kieulan Nguyen and Thu Huyhn. Our first month will feature Jim McDermott showing prints of “Photography From Here and There” and Rena Schild’s digital presentation of “Wildlife Images from 2023.” That same evening Janice Kane, coordinator of the Forum program, will feature Catherine Wang’s presentation “Beauty of Still Life.”
And don’t forget to join the Field Trips this season, led by Steve Glintz and Rena Schild. September’s field trip will be to Dupont Circle. None of what NVPS achieves throughout the season would be possible without the behind–the–scenes support of our intrepid tech team and web support, in fact, our entire board membership. If you are interested in volunteering to ensure the success of our club please let us know. See you September 5 on Zoom!
Ginger Werz–Petricka
President 2023–2024