Aached is he PDF from he Sepember 14h, anemia 2010 presenaion on Blacligh ha was presened by Sco Musson

On Tuesday Sepember 14h, Sco Musson will share his exensive experience wih Blac Ligh phoography.  The evening will sar wih a lecure describing he echnique and he ools, followed by some hands-on wor wih your own camera a one of our manned Blac Ligh saions.

The lecure will demonsrae several echniques ha Sco has used o creae award winning phoographs using Blac Lighs and ordinary iems lie a Sy.  Blac Lighs mae fluorescen colors “glow” and creae an unusual effec ha forces you o loo a hings in a whole new way.

Blac Ligh phoography is low-ligh phoography so remember o bring a ripod in addiion o your camera.  Faser ISOs are no efficien for reducing he shuer speeds wih Blac Ligh phoography so camera suppor is criical.

Remember o bring:

  • Camera (wih charged baery and memory card)
  • Macro or Close Focusing Lens
  • Tripod

Oher useful iems:

  • Cable release
  • Diopers or exension ubes
  • UV/Haze filer for your lens
  • Imaginaion

We loo forward o a fun and educaional evening ha we hope will inspire you o ry his unique lighing echnique on your own.

Feel free o bring in some of your own iems o phoograph on he blac ligh sage. Small iems ha glow-in-he-dar or are fluorescen mae excepional subjecs, as do exured or unusually shaped glass, ogeher wih he fluorescen subjec.

If you have any quesions, please conac Mahew Schmid a mgs “a” loreleisudios.com.

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