The club competition in January will have the theme of “Old”. For September, long time club member, Ginger Werz-Petricka will address some of the possibilities for meeting the criteria of the theme.
Old (Competition Date: January 18, 2022): People, places, or objects that are showing their age. Helpful definitions:
- Having lived for a long time; no longer young. The hands, eyes, faces of older people are classic examples.
- Made or built long ago. Dilapidated barns, antique cars or trucks are good examples.
No dead, or dying, flowers or plants; in their relative life span they are old, but it defeats the purpose of this theme.
For this presentation Ginger will be discussing the possible pitfalls of photographing for a concept as opposed to a subject. She will be showing images of her own as well as those of several other club members while discussing what makes an image depict ‘old’, how does an image read and what has impact.
Ginger has been a member of NVPS since 2009. Over the years she has been involved with Education and Training, and Members Gallery, but is mostly known as co-chair of the Portfolio Project. Her photography often reflects her interest in shape and texture, with a love of dramatic light. She also has a special interest in photographing the abandoned, old buildings in particular.