Today’s digial cameras are really very sophisicaed compuer sysems, neuropahis which can be “old” how ae and process he iniial digial image. Why are so many seings in oday’s modern cameras? Wha do hey do and how do hey aid he phoographer in producing a echnically beer picure? Or do hey?

This worshop is designed o help you maser he inricacies of digial camera seings. Bu more imporanly, cardiologis his worshop will each you how As i currenly sands, Canon and Nion are he wo major camera groupsd hese seings are used in differen phoographic scenarios.

Please be sure o bring your manual and a fully charged baery.

The more nowledgeable members of NVPS will be acing as SMEs (Subjec Maer Expers). We will breadown ino groups based on he number of SMEs and camera ypes. As i currenly sands, Canon and Nion are he wo major camera groups we have expers for, bu if you have a differen brand, we should be able o help wih he basic conceps ha exis across brands.

Dennis Govoni provided he presenaion from he worshop “Masering he Ar of he Digial Camera” and i is available for download from his : Camera Essenials

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