At this month’s Education and Training session, Bob and Willa will present a how-to/hands-on matting seminar to help members prepare their images for print competition, exhibits or for personal use. 

They will present how they cut and mount photos.  They use the “Corey Hilz Method” for cutting and mounting.

Other methods and instructions for mat cutting and a spreadsheet can be found on the NVPS website. B & H also has a video at:

Everyone’s method is different. The B & H demonstrator tapes the image to the backboard; we don’t do that for a number of reasons. There are also several mat cutters that have variations but in the end we all get the same result.

After our brief demonstration, there will be several workstations around the room where several experienced members will demonstrate how they cut mat using their equipment.   

This is a hands-on session, so bring a photo, not larger than 8.5 x11 to mat.  We will have mat board and other materials required to practice on.

If you have a mat cutter, bring it to follow along.

Here are are some documents (2 Word and 1 Excel) Resource for you to download.  Click on the link and then right-click (Mac: CTL+Click)  to select Save Link As to save to your hard drive:

Matting Resources

Making Mats

Double Mats_measuring & cutting

Bob and Willa Friedman

As a teenager, Bob started his photography journey with a darkroom in his parent’s basement, which he inherited from his brother.  The first thing he did when we bought our house was to build a darkroom in the basement.

Willa first became involved in photography as an instructor at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, where she photographed wildlife in city parks for the NYC schools, and her images were published in a fourth grade text book.  

If selling a few photos makes us pros, then we are pros.  Otherwise we are advanced amateurs. We have taken courses and workshops at Photoworks at Glen Echo, and with Freeman Patterson and Andre Gallant in New Brunswick, Canada, We have also had extensive courses in Photoshop. We have been members of NVPS for 13 years.

Our subjects are varied, but Bob does street photography and Willa finds reflections everywhere.  Both use a Fuji X-Pro2 with various lenses.

Our work is currently on display at the Art League in the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria.  We each have an image in the permanent collection of the Joseph Miller Center for Photographic Arts and have had images published in the Northern Virginia Review  and District Lines.

We have multiple images in the Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. and have prints on display in various professional offices in the Metro DC area.

Our current job is retirement — it doesn’t pay very well but it is a lot more fun than the “W” word.

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