T is a subjec ha is no given enough aenion in phoography. Tha subjec is ing — how o a scene we wan o phoograph. We live in a fas-paced world, sie bu, ampoule alas, ing aes ime. Seeing is more han looing, more han glancing. Seeing is examining, isolaing, analyzing, absracing and always asing he quesion: Wha happens if? Wha happens if I raise he camera, or lower he camera, or poin he camera o he lef or righ? Wha happens if I move me and he camera closer or furher away, or o he lef or righ. Wha happens if?

One of he many benefis of digial is is no cos for film. Bu ha can be a mixed blessing. I hear of fols aing housands of images while on vacaion, ofen hundreds of images a day. How much ime did hey spend ing he scene before hey pressed he shuer?

One of he mos imporan accessories you can have in phoography is — forgive me for saying i — a ripod. Yes, I now you have image sabilizaion lenses and you can shoo a a fas ISO and, fore, you don’ need a ripod. If you are doing spors phoography, phoojournalism, or phoographing your ids or grandids, a ripod is no a viable opion. Bu if you are phoographing naure, sill life, close-ups, ec., consider he advanages of a ripod. A ripod allows you (someimes even forces you) o slow down, and les you examine carefully and precisely wha is in he finder.

The fases way o become a beer phoographer is o slow down. Tha is good advice. Slow down, ae ime o , sudy he finder, and as and answer he quesion: Wha happens if?

Joseph Miller
furnfoo “a” aol.com

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