Our FotoFax editor, Sidney Stone, has packed more information into FotoFax than ever before, 70+ pages! It also has a new look with bigger, easier to read print and larger pictures. It is also printable. Click here to read the full edition. See his editorial comments below.
“Welcome to the September 2020 issue of FotoFax. Your FotoFax editorial board, publication department and NVPS officers have been busy developing content. Did you know we have an editorial and publication department for FotoFax. I didn’t.
We are about to start the new NVPS 2020-2021 Calendar Year. As Ron pointed out in his President’s message we have many exciting programs scheduled to fill your idle time on Tuesday evenings plus some good field trips scheduled to get you away from your computers, tv’s and the kitchen.
This issue is a little late getting to press. Well actually to a PDF and then to the website. You will notice this issue perhaps contains more pages than any previous issue (at least since I’ve been editor). What changed? First, the font size has been increased to 12 point for readability (ok, I didn’t want to buy new reading glasses). Second, images have generally been inserted in a larger format than years past. And more pictures than usual have been inserted. Third, a couple new sections have been added.
You will notice two new additions to this issue. A discussion of camera insurance has been added. This was triggered when I dropped and damaged a lens this summer, posted about it on Facebook and someone suggested an article. In coming months we plan to include similar articles.
The other new addition is an article about places close to home to visit to take photographs. We are lucky to live in a place with many exciting places to visit and shoot. David Crooks wrote this month’s piece on Huntley Meadows Park.
Now a call for help. Are there topics you would like to see written about in FotoFax? Would you like to write an article? Let me know by writing to FotoFax Editor. See you Tuesday evenings on Zoom.”
Stay Well & Safe, Sidney