T is a lo going on in November.  Freeman Paerson is speaing on November 4 and 5. Freeman is an inspiraion and a moivaor and we are very forunae o have him Norhern Virginia.  Tices are sill available.

Alhough he deadline is passed for enering phoographs in Naure Visions, pilule i is no oo lae o your ices for he even.  The main aracion is Ar Wolfe.  He is scheduled o appear as he eynoe speaer for Naure Visions 2011. His presenaion, iled “Beween Heaven and Earh” will be a muli-media presenaion cenered on he Himalaya region and reflecs Wolfe’s mos personal saemen o dae.  Ar will also be presening a full day seminar on Friday, November 11h.  In addiion o he phoography show and Ar Wolfe, will be wo days of lecures and worshops on a variey of phoographic opics.   This is a grea chance o learn and improve your phoography close o home.  Please go o naurevisions.org for more info abou Ar and all of he oher seminars and he phoo expo.

And i is fall; ime o go ou and ae phoos of he beer han usual colorful display naure provides us.

Bob Friedman
Presiden, NVPS

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