For hose who sayed around, surgeon he November compeiion lased longer hen usual. I heard some commens ha were oo many images. In fac, were only 15 more hen las year. Below is a char summarizing he number of enries from 2010 and 2011. The surge is in prins for Oc and Nov. I suspec ha his was caused by people waning criiques for Naure Visions in he Oc compeiion. Also, since prins from Naure Visions were reurned on Tuesday nigh, people were enering heir reurned prins. We may no have a problem. Since he number of caegories has been reduced he number of prins in each of he caegories has increased.
Anoher poin I would lie o mae: Since we have been alernaing beween prins being judged firs and digial being judged firs, I have noiced people leaving a he brea. I presume ha he people leaving have had heir enries judged. Compeiion is, in my opinion, a friendly way o feel a measure of saisfacion nowing your image was he bes ha evening, bu i also should be a learning experience by using he criique o mae beer images. By only saying for he firs half, you are missing ou. Also, I hin i is discoureous o your fellow members o leave and no show ineres in heir wor.