Please remember to upload your images to your Portfolio folder and do your final tweaking by the April 30 cut-off.  For the final critique on May 14 with Roy Sewell we need a maximum of 15 images plus your artist statement.  

Next steps include deciding on the format of the final presentation of your images.  If you are unsure what format you want to use please review Scott Musson’s presentation on Photo Books& Calendars presented on 3/30/2010 at:

For books allow yourself 2 weeks to get them back in time although it probably won’t take that long.  Blurb, My Publisher and Shutterfly all have easy to follow instructions on their websites.  If you have had a good, or bad, experience with another company let us know and we’ll pass it on. The most frequent complaint I’ve heard has been that the color isn’t always true to the image we saw at home.  I plan to calibrate my monitor for a final run through before putting the book together.

Last year’s participants presented their work in a variety of ways, including matted prints, books, posters and a slide show on a laptop.  The format is up to you.

Thanks for your participation; we look forward to seeing your images in May!

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