The Simeon Foundation Automotive Museum houses between 65 and 70 vintage and recent road racing cars, including several particularly rare cars. We’ll be going to the museum on October 28, when the museum will take their Corvettes out of the display areas and driving them on a back lot. (There’s a video of an earlier Corvette demo drive at to give an idea of the course, camera opportunities, etc.)

In the view of the museum’s founder, “There are few illustrations of the effects of competition as dramatic, and beautiful, as the evolution of the racing sports car. This is the theme of our exhibition. Here you can learn how racing improves the breed. You can see the evolution of the race car as the result of seven decades of the ‘Spirit of Competition.’”

The cars will provide photographic opportunities and challenges. Automobile design is an art form, which evolved dramatically over the 20th century, with dramatic lines particularly evident in the aerodynamic design of racing cars. Race car color is often a dramatic bold color. The challenges are finding a unique approach to tell the story of a car, and capture the image pf a bright object. During the demo, there are opportunities to capture movement.

Tripods are allowed. While most of the cars are in set displays, the Corvettes being driven will be out on the back lot before and after the demo, offering different photo angles.

We’ll meet at the museum (near the Philadelphia International Airport) at 9:45 on October 28. The museum opens at 10:00, with the demo beginning at noon. Admission is $12 ($10 for seniors 65 and older), and can be purchased online with a service fee. If we have 10 or more going, we can get a group rate. Sign-ups will begin during the September 26 NVPS meeting.

Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum

6825 Norwitch Drive — Philadelphia PA 19153


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