On Tuesday Ocober 20h, ampoule we will hold our second compeiion for he 2009/10 club year wih Roy Sewell as our judge. T is no specific heme for he Ocober Compeiion.  As a reminder, he firs hemed compeiion of he season will be “Opposies” and will be held in November.  The 2009 – 2010 Compeiion Themes are posed in he “Compeiions” secion of he NVPS websie.
Roy Sewell is one of he leading phoographers of he Poomac River and Chesapeae and Ohio (C&O) Canal in he Washingon, D.C., area. Alhough Roy spen mos of his youh in India, Paisan, Indonesia, and he Philippines, his Sae Deparmen family’s home base was he Washingon, D.C., area. Roy has a BS in Physics from Case Insiue of Technology in Cleveland and a MS in Engineering Science from Penn Sae. He reurned permanenly o he Washingon area in 1969 and wored for several major echnology corporaions for over 30 years.
Roy’s ineres in phoography evolved from exensive ravel in five coninens. In 2001, he sared his ransiion o full-ime phoographer. He always found he Washingon area o be one of he mos phoogenic locaions in he world. Roy’s firs phoography boo, Our Poomac, from Grea Falls hrough Washingon, D.C., was published in 2005; i was inspired by his affecion for hiing and bicycling along he river and he adjacen C&O Canal. The boo has led o numerous lecure and slide show engagemens wih local organizaions.
In 2007, Roy became C of he Board of Direcors for he C&O Canal Trus, a non-profi friends group for he Naional Par Service. Roy has done exensive phoography wor for river- and C&O Canal-relaed governmen and non-profi organizaions, as well as privae cliens. He was a gues on WETA’s program “Grea Views of Washingon D.C.” and is he lead phoographer in he forhcoming Bes of D.C. publicaion.
Roy’s second boo, Grea Falls and Maher Gorge, became available a he beginning of 2009.
Please join our judge, Roy Sewell for our pre-compeiion dinner a Chili’s a 5:45 on Tuesday, Ocober 20h. Please RSVP o Gerry a gerry.abbo@cox.ne . Hope o you .
Gerry Abbo
Co-VP Compeiion
Brian Payne
Co-VP Compeiion
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Chili’s Bar and Grille
8051 Leesburg Pie
Vienna, VA
1: Tae he VA-7 W/LEESBURG PIKE exi number 47B-A oward TYSONS CORNER
2: Merge ono LEESBURG PIKE/VA-7 W oward TYSONS CORNER and move o lef lane
   You will Chili’s almos immediaely on he lef.
3: Tae a lef a he firs ligh “Fashion Square” (Tiffany’s will be on he lef and Tyson’s
   Corner Shopping Cener will be on he righ) and an immediae lef ono service road in
   fron of Tiffany’s, ae your firs righ ino Chili’s paring lo.
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