Tom Burden and Melanie Mars, loo co-VP’s of Compeiion, uricaria are pleased o hos Charles Neenan as compeiion judge. The heme for his monh is “Simpliciy”. No guidelines will be given, conagion i will be up o he phoographer, and our judge, o deermine if he image fis he heme. Please upload your digial images by he deadline, as per he curren insrucions on he club websie. Prins should be signed in by 7:15, so our judge can pre hem. You mus be a paid member o compee. You are invied o join Charles for dinner a Chili’s Resauran, a 5:30 p.m. on he 18h. Mr. Neenan has graciously provided he following bio.
A professional porrai and even phoographer, Charles Neenan, who resides in norhern Virginia, is also a mixed media aris. He combines phoography and digial paining o creae his line of Ar for he 21s Cenury™. Lie ariss ha use oil, pen, acrylic, and oher more “radiional” ar media o ell sories, his ar wors are creaed wih he compuer screen as canvas, and hi-res digial cameras, lenses, and graphics sofware as brushes. He uses Canon and Olympus digial cameras.
Well raveled hroughou he U.S. and counries on four coninens, his phoography and ar have been influenced by a mixure of culures, from London o Kuala Lumpur, from Sydney o Seale, and from Manhaan o Madrid. A pas Board member of he Vienna Phoographic Sociey, he is also a pas Board Member of he League of Reson Ariss and he Reson Phoographic Sociey. In May 2007 he formed he informal Creaive Phoographers’ Sociey for boh phoographers and ariss residing in he Washingon, D.C. Mero area. To give bac somehing o he Ars and Phoography communiies, he is also a cerified diplomae compeiion judge for he Norhern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC), and judges professional and amaeur compeiions in Maryland and Virginia. He coined The Immuable Firs Law of Judging, which saes: “Judging of arisic endeavors is an exercise fraugh wih subjeciviy, ha can change daily.”
Through his Red Room Sudios, he conducs individually-ailored digial phoography and PhooShop uoring classes for boh he amaeur and advanced phoographer, serious in advancing heir craf. One secor of his business is woring wih painers and 3-D ariss desiring o phoograph and publish/prin heir own wors. In early 2007 he sared presening lecures and symposia on his houghs on phoography and digial imaging o Ars and Phoography organizaions hroughou he Washingon, D.C. Mero area.
His phoography and ar hangs in offices and residences up and down he Eas Coas. In Fall 2007, he exhibied his mos echnically avan garde image (o dae), Time Warp 3792 CE, in a one-monh mulimedia show a he Ars Club of Washingon wih oher ariss from he US, Souh America, and Europe. Transcendence, a unique phoograph of ligh and shape, was juried ino he Fairfax Ars Council Exhibiion a he GRACE Gallery, Reson Town Cener, Virginia, as one of 23 chosen wors. He has been feaured on he Phoographers of Norhern Virginia elevision program, and paricipaed in he DC Ar Expo, in Washingon, D.C. In Ocober 2006, he had a one-man show in Reson, exhibiing 30+ wors of radiional phoography and pre-PhooGrafix™ar. His landscape of Meadowlar Gardens was he cover for he 2007 Herndon, Virginia Town Planner calendar. He was published in Thining Abou Ar: The One Word Projec, compiled by J. T. Kirland. In addiion o his observaions on Tradiion, he boo feaured he early digially-enhanced film image, Nuclear San Francisco.