Some of you are new and wonder wha you should be doing? Firs you migh read he over in he “Porfolio Projec” secion of “Club Aciviies” secion of he  NVPS websie: 2009 – 2010 NVPS Porfolio Projec. Hopefully, healh his will give you a good over of  wha o expec his program year. T are oher pieces of advice from previous years in ha secion.

If you haven’ already sared, dosage your firs as is o hin abou wha you wan o do and why. We would sugges: I should be somehing of ineres o you ha you wan o inves some phoographic ime o his year. I migh be somehing ha is educaional o you and/or pushes you somew new. We recommend agains jus ediing picures you have already aen on a rip or somehing unless you an excellen reason for doing ha; for example, because you wan o publish a able boo of your bes seleced picures from ha effor and feel you would learn a lo by spending ime learning o judge and edi your picures.

Once you have a general idea abou wha you wan o do, prepare a draf Aris Saemen. If you are undecided beween a couple of projecs, i is OK a his ime o prepare Saemens for and wor on hem simulaneously unil you decide on one opic on which o focus. Your Aris Saemen should ell wha you wan o do and why. If you Google Aris’s Saemens Phoography, you will obain a number of examples. For example:


Once you have deermined your opic you should sar shooing and acquiring poenial images for your porfolio. You may use images in your porfolio ha you have previously aen ha fi your heme. They, however, should be a small sub-se of  your porfolio. Afer all, he purpose of he projec is o ge you ou houghfully shooing and judging your own wor.     In previous years some porfolio projec paricipans have sho four or five hundred images, or more in some s, over he projec before selecing heir 15 or 20 bes. Our experience has been once you sar receiving feedbac on your images you will wan o do more shooing.

Once you have prepared and drafed your Aris Saemen send i o Bill and Sco for feedbac.

When you have enough images ha you feel migh be good examples of wha you are sriving for in your porfolio you may upload hem on he NVPS websie. (2009 – 2010 NVPS Porfolio Projec). Insrucions will be forhcoming on his.

Le us now if you have any quesions.

In summary you should be preparing your Aris’s Saemen, shooing images, puing hem up on he NVPS websie, and receiving feedbac.

We will have wo in person criiques prior o compleing your porfolio and we’ll be providing addiional guidance and inspiraion via his email lis over he nex few monhs.

Sco Musson scomusson “a” 703-278-2828
Bill Prosser prosserwm “a” 703-821-2670

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