The club has a new projector and laptop. The purchases were by the Board at the June 2011 meeting. The new projector is a Canon Realist SX80 Mar II. The projected image is sharper and brighter than what was possible with the old projector. The new projector uses an image size of 1400 pixels wide by 1050 pixels high (rather than the old 1024 x 768).

The first illustration shows how o use the Image/Size dialog box in Photoshop (CS5) o achieve the needed size. The resolution doesn’ really matter as long as the pixel dimensions are correct; bu PowerPoin sizes he images as 10 in x 7.5 in. So it will wind up at 140 pixels per inch. You might as well plug in 140 to begin with.

The process in Lightroom is similar. Illustration 2 shows the Lightroom 3.4 Dialog box. I can be found in the File/Export menu. Set the width to 1400, the height to 1050 pixels, and the resolution to 140 pixels per inch.

More information can be found on the NVPS web site. The information will be updated over the next few months to account for the new projector. In the meantime, remember to use the new dimensions provided above.

An updated version of Preparing Your Images for NVPS Digital Projection Competition is available on the website including re-sizing information for Lightroom 3. Also, Lightroom Export Preset has been created by Mathew Schmid and is available for your use and the location is available in the preparation guide.

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