“The two most engaging powers of a photograph are to make new things familiar and familiar things new.”
– William Thackeray
It’s hard to believe, but we’ve almost reached the end of the club year. I’ve had a great time as club president this year and I’m grateful for all the club members who have made this year so successful. There are a lot of people involved in creating the programs you’ve enjoyed, and as many working behind the scenes.
Thanks go to Gary Perlow for bringing us excellent Program speakers, Wayne Guenther and Jim Sinsheimer for their hard work on Competitions, Jim McDermott for his great Education and Training evenings, Janice Kane for bringing us talented club members for Forum, and KieuLan Nguyen and Thu Huynh for doing the same with Member’s Gallery. We should all be thanking Susan Blalock for stepping into the Digital Projection job this year and making sure we could see these programs. Those of you who enjoy our Field Trips need to thank Steve Glintz and Rena Schild for their dedication. Deb Rose and Tana Ebbole have done a wonderful job this year with the Portfolio Project. Willa Friedman has made it possible for us to show our work at Beanetics Coffee Roasters, and Jim Sinsheimer has secured exhibit space for the club through Willing Warriors. Bill Millhouser and Stan Bysshe offer more education through the Mentoring Program. And our Medical Advisors in this post–Covid time are Lynn Cates and Stan Bysshe. Thank you all for your contributions.
You may not know some of our other key people, but without them the club couldn’t function. Frank Napoli is our VP of Operations and Tech Team leader, Tom Brett is our Treasurer, Colena Turner our Secretary/Historian. Tammy Tideswell, and now Jack Ledgerwood, is our rep with MAPV. Where would we be without the Website and Fotofax? David Crooks is our Website Manager and Tech along with Steve Glintz, with back–ups Deb and Art Rose. Our Website Editors are Barbara Travis and Deb Mastronardi, E-blasts come to you from George Bradshaw, and John Quigley is Gallery Editor. Our other major source of club news comes from FotoFax, edited by Judy Guenther with the assistance of John Nash. All of these members are essential to making the successful club experience that you have enjoyed all year. My thanks go to all of you for making this year a success.
And thank you to all the members of NVPS who participate in our meetings. Your attention and participation is why we are all here. Keep making memories and art with your cameras, and thanks for sharing your exceptional talent with all of us.
I look forward to seeing all of you at our End–of–Year Banquet on June 14 at the Firehall.
Ginger Werz-Petricka
NVPS Club President, 2023-2024