March 30h, saniary 2010 – Phoo Boos, herapy Calendars and he Porfolio Projec

Here’s a reminder o NVPS Porfolio Projec paricipans ha ‘s a presenaion his Tuesday March 30h a 7:30 o help you wih several aspecs of he projec.

On March 30h we’ll have presenaion ha will benefi boh Porfolio Projec Paricipans and members in general. Sco Musson will presen a discussion and re of opions for creaing phoo boos and calendars using commercial and local vendors. He’ll discuss how o ge he bes resuls possible when creaing a porfolio or collecion of images wih an service and some personal experiences. Several oher members will also share heir experiences and will
display heir wor for you o .

Also Sherwin Kaplan will be speaing abou wha maes a good aris saemen and commen on how he will criique he porfolio projec. Sherwin has criiqued all of he Porfolio Projecs and has provided wonderful commens and insigh ino everyone’s porfolio. We’re very pleased ha he’ll be providing he criique again his year.

Porfolio Projec Updae

The Porfolio Projec presenaion meeing on May 11h will be he final sep of his year’s Porfolio Projec. A his meeing Porfolios will be displayed, help criiqued and discussed.

The May 11h criiques will emphasize he porfolio as a whole – more so han criiques of individual images (alhough may be commens on images as appropriae o illusrae heir impac on he porfolio). T will be a display of all he paricipans’ prined Porfolios, an opporuniy for aendees o discuss he porfolios wih heir maers, and a slide show, discussed below, accompanied by commens by his year’s criquer, Sherwin Kaplan. (Sherwin, a member of he club, is one of he club’s bes judges. He has reed and discussed he porfolios he las wo years.)

The remaining porfolio schedule is as follows:

You are ased o noify Sco or Bill by April 15, if you plan o submi a slide show of your images, paricipae in he slide show criique, and display your prined porfolio May 11h, 2010.

Send your Slide Show Porfolio o Sco Musson no laer han April 27. The Slide Show Porfolio is a no-o-exceed 12 images digial-slide subse of your prin porfolio. If you have more han 12 prined images, you should include your 12 bes.

Sco will bundle he slide show porfolios and send hem o Sherwin Kaplan, he Porfolio Criiquer. His criique will be based on his slide subse and will serve o illusrae your larger prin porfolio (if i is larger).

On May 11h you and all oher Porfolio Paricipans will display your Prined Version. The Prined version is for your personal use & display. Alhough we are imposing no firm image limi for he Prined version, we srongly recommend 10-12 images minimum & 15 -20 images maximum plus an aris’s saemen).

If you are emailing he images o Sco, please:

  • Tile he email “Porfolio Projec.”
  • Size images no larger han 1024 pixels horizonal and 768 pixels verical.
  • If your image is smaller han 1024 x 768, fill he bacground wih blac for opimal presenaion
  • Include your aris saemen as your firs image (named: yourlasname_00.jpg)
  • Use a naming convenion: las name_image number from 01 o oal.jpg (example: smih_01.jpg, smih_02.jpg, ec.)
  • Email images o smusson “a”

Oher opional evens for each paricipan include:

  • You may be upload images o he NVPS websie’s porfolio gallery for informal criiques a any ime. (Bill & Sco will sar criiquing images on or abou March 30h) Feel free o add your commens o ohers images anyime.
  • A March 30 Worshop is scheduled o provide informaion abou various opions o have porfolios prined and displayed. In addiion Sherwin Kaplan will discuss how he plans o criique porfolios and wha he loos for in a good aris saemen.
  • Porfolios will no be criiqued a he NVPS meeing on March 30.

The final prined porfolios will no be colleced, bu each paricipan will bring heir prined Porfolio he May 11h meeing.

In summary, he May 11h worshop will be devoed enirely o he Porfolio Projec. A his meeing each porfolio will be available in prined form for NVPS members o and discuss wih he aris. Also, each porfolio will be presened in slideshow form and Sherwin Kaplan will mae observaions during he slideshow abou each and all porfolios.

Please feel free o conac he projec coordinaors a any ime wih quesions and suggesions.
Sco Musson and Bill Prosser, Coordinaors

Geing access o he NVPS Porfolio Phoo Gallery

To ge access o he NVPS Porfolio Gallery send your NVPS Gallery user id  o Sco Musson smusson “a” (I don’ need your password).  When you do, I’ll give you access o he oher porfolios and creae a place for your porfolio o be uploaded. I’ll also provide you righs o commen on ohers porfolios and  send you insrucions on how o upload images o your new folder.

If you don’ have a user id, i’s very simple o regiser, jus go o hp:// and “Regiser”.

If you need help in any way, jus le me now. I would also be happy o upload your images for you, jus email hem o me and name hem including a number so I now wha you would lie hem o appear.

Your firs image in your gallery should be your aris saemen, jus pase he ex of your aris saemen ino an empy image. This is very imporan since people will be criiquing your porfolio based on your aris saemen. This is one of he reasons why i’s imporan o develop your aris saemen firs.

Remember you can send your aris saemen o Bill or Sco for feed bac if you lie.

Useful s

The NVPS Phoo Gallery hp://
The NVPS Porfolio Projec Phoo Gallery hp://
The NVPS Porfolio Projec Web Sie hp://

If you have quesions or need help wih your porfolio, feel free o as Sco Musson or Bill Prosser your Porfolio Coordinaors.

Sco Musson scomusson “a” 703-278-2828
Bill Prosser prosserwm “a” 703-821-2670

Happy shooing!
Sco and Bill

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