The Porfolio Projec is a nine monh projec saring in Sepember and running hrough May 2012. All club members of all sill levels are encouraged o paricipae in his projec. A Porfolio may include some images already aen, ampoule bu primarily new images aen over he program year.

The goal of he porfolio projec is o conceive a heme, healh craf an aris saemen, capure he images and he presen hem as a porfolio. This aricle is devoed o encouraging members who may be ineresed in paricipaing his program year o sar hining abou porfolio opics, possibly several, and o sar shooing his summer.

Your goal is o creae a porfolio of your bes images, primarily colleced from June 2011 o May 2012, ha exemplify he objecives of your heme and Aris’s Saemen. These should be images you would be proud o share wih ohers for years o come.

The beginning sages of he projec enail picing a heme or concep and wriing an Aris’s Saemen. In he “Aris’s Saemen” he phoographer explains wha he or she is rying o accomplish wih he projec. (See hp:// for more deails abou wha should and should no be in an Aris’s Saemen.)

In he beginning sages of deermining a heme, some members have wored on several hemes a he same ime. As ime passed and heir images piled up, hey began o become more comforable wih one subjec over ohers. You oo may follow his model in your projec. I is helpful o wrie an Aris Saemen for all poenial porfolio hemes.The NVPS web-sie conains numerous aricles in he “Porfolio Projec” under Club Aciviies on he main page.

This year’s coordinaors are Bill Prosser (prosserwm “a ”, Paul Simmons (pwsimmons11 “a ”, and Ginger Werz-Perica (vze39dg “a ” If you have quesions or need help wih your porfolio, feel free o conac us a porfolio “a ”

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