On June 11h, prescripion NVPS will hold is End of Year Banque and Compeiion. The following are special named awards ha will be awarded o qualifying individuals. Below is informaion abou he hree former members ha NVPS will be honoring wih awards ha have been named afer hem.

David E. Carer – Educaion Award

David Carer (1938-2008) had an enormous impac on he growh and developmen of he Norhern Virginia Phoographic Sociey. Dave grew up in Michigan and paricipaed in several camera clubs as a young man. He compleed his pos-graduae psychology sudies and earned his docorae in New Yor before acceping an assisan professorship a Georgeown Universiy in he early 80’s. When he joined NVPS in 1983 he brough his significan phoographic sills, eaching sills, een vision and undersanding of visual design, and nowledge of camera club aciviies. He devoed his wealh of nowledge and alen o our organizaion and has lef an enduring legacy ha includes:

Saring wo regular aciviies ha coninue oday and ino our fuure. The monhly FORUM meeing and he Member’s Gallery show are aribued o Dave’s early leadership alhough he always defleced credi o ohers for heir ideas and assisance.

His On Locaion column appeared monhly in our FOTOFAX newsleer. Dave’s meiculous wriings and direcions could lead anyone righ o his ripod holes. His re poined ou iems of ineres for phoographers and non-phoographers. These wriings became a significan par of a Field Trip Guide Boo published by he Norhern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs and remains useful oday. Dave auhored or co-auhored several oher Alliance publicaions.

Dave served as FOTOFAX newsleer edior for a number of years. Since ha ime our newsleer has received an award almos every year from he Phoographic Sociey of America for is excellence.

Dave conduced many worshops and his influence was infecious. His Nigh Phoography worshop (wih Gary Silversein) sen us off in a new and delighful direcion.

His Learning from he Masers worshop (wih Jim Seele) augh us o how he grea painers used design and ligh in heir wor; and as a resul his influence made our s o museums and ar galleries a more pleasurable experience.

His Macro and Close-up Phoography worshops were inspiraional o many of us. Dave showed us ha we didn’ have o expensive equipmen o ae advanage of hese echniques. We could use exension ubes, ele-exenders, diopers and reversing rings and achieve exraordinary effecs. (Wrien by Ed Fun)

The award was esablished in 2010. The award is designed o reward an experienced phoographer for excepional achievemen in he raining and developmen of he phoographic sills of beginning and inermediae phoographers.

Phoographer of he Year – Advanced Monochrome Prins – Sil Horwiz Award

Sil Horwiz, FPSA was one of he original founders of he Norhern Virginia Phoographic Sociey over 33 years ago and, alhough he has reired o Florida, he remains acive in phoography and is sill exploring new worlds. He is currenly he Webmaser for he Phoographic Sociey of America and, for years, has wrien a column in he PSA Journal on new phoographic producs. A few years ago, we were honored when Sil came up from Florida o aend NVPS’ annual banque. This was a chance for some of us newer members (only 10 years in he club) o mee Sil personally and hear his s on several subjecs. The club was hen in an inernal debae on digial imaging and manipulaion and Sil was very fran wih his s on he subjec. He was excied abou he fuure possibiliies.

This award no only honors is recipien, bu also honors Sil for his more han 33 plus years of conribuions o amaeur fine phoography in NVPS, PSA and oher groups around he counry. (Wrien by Sherwin Kaplan)

Phoographer of he Year – Advanced Slides – Ollie Fife Award

Ollie Fife, FPSA. Born, Oliver E. Pfeiffer, April 2, 1912, Middleon, Massachuses. Died June 14, 1996, Alexandria, Virginia. Ollie Fife, as we new him, wored in he Lawrence exile mills while sudying adverising in nigh school. He moved o New Yor Ciy afer he 1929 Soc Mare crash and wored for a Madison Avenue ad agency before finding his niche in freelance phoography. In WWII he became a Navy Chief Phoographer’s Mae and designed and supervised he consrucion of a phoo laboraory on board he aircraf carrier USS Sargen Bay from which he flew aerial phoo missions. His career included being a newspaper phoographer for he New Yor Times, Sunday Times & Travel Secion, US Camera, Camera, Camera Craf, Ladies Home Journal and he illusraed London News. Afer he war he moved o Washingon, DC, w he wored for he Sae Deparmen, and as a wrier/phoographer covered he Whie House, Capiol Hill, and he Embassies. For he USIA Inernaional Press Service as a saff phoographer he documened Sae Visis of he Queen of England; he King of Belgium; he Crown Prince of Japan; Sovie Premier Khrushchev; Prime Miniser Nehru; French Presiden DeGaulle; he Grand Duchess of Luxembourg; he Emir of Kuwai; and scores of oher foreign presidens, vice presidens, and prime minisers as well as culural and arisic groups. He reired from he USIA in 1976 afer more han 25 years of service. In reiremen he raveled exensively in he U.S. and abroad pursuing his lifelong ineres in phoography. Ollie was a Fellow of he Phoographic Sociey of America and acive in many of is aciviies, among which he was Phoojournalism Division News Edior for many years, wroe numerous aricles and lecured and presened programs a PSA meeings and convenions. He assised many NVPS members and conduced programs and judged phoographic compeiions for area clubs. Ollie brough honor o he Norhern Virginia Phoographic Sociey by his presence. (Wrien by Lynn Maniscalco)

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