Congratulations to all of this years competition winners and also those photographers who participated each month in showing their images . We had a wonderful variety of photographs and they were enjoyed by all, win or lose.   Thanks to all of our helpers each month especially Melanie Marts and Chuck Campbell for handling the prints; Jeff Hancock, Matthew Schmidt, Scott Musson and Andrew Fritz for their digital support.
The End-Of-Year competition and banquet requires the work of many volunteers. Beth Morris and I wish to thank the following people for helping to make the End-Of-Year Banquet the social event of the camera club year.
  • Chuck Veatch from Nature’s Best Magazine for judging the EOY Images and also for donating two subscriptions to our door prizes.
  • Jeff Hancock, Matthew Schmidt and Brian Payne, for the digital show and projection .
  • Ed Funk for ordering EOY plaques and trophy engraving.
  • Dale Nelson for arranging the banquet hall and facilities.
  • Georgette Grossman for design and printing of the EOY certificates and programs.
  • Minnie Gallman for making label cards for the winning prints.
  • Bob and Willa Friedman, John Quigley, and everyone who helped with the setup at the banquet.
  • And Mike Whalen, for finding us some great door prizes from Ecraft Photo, in Burke and his on going help and support in the details. 
Thank you all, I have enjoyed serving the NVPS as Co-Vp of Competitions.  We have a very talented group of photographers, and we should all be proud to be members of this fine 
A list of Photographers of the Year and Images of the Year can be found here. Complete results can be found here.


Susan Phillips Co-Vp Competition

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