Fall is definiely my favorie season. As I loo ou my windows each day I am in awe of he changing colors and hope you have been aing advanage of he many phoographic opporuniies ha naure is providing us.

One of my goals his year is o help creae even more of a sense of “Communiy” wihin our club. We all share a love of phoography and learning. Saring on November 10h, I will be saring a monhly “Members Communiy Dinner” a Chili’s on he 2nd Tuesday ( WET -Worshop, Educaion,Training nigh) of he monh for informal conversaion on phoography or jus geing o now each oher.  Please le me now (pashli “a” aol.com) if you are ineresed in coming on November 10h a 5:30 ish.

Than you o all he board members, various commiee members and voluneers for anoher errific monh of programs, worshops-educaion and raining, compeiions and members gallery/forum as well as coffee, equipmen schlepping and se up, ech eam suppor, newsleer, websie, ec. I aes many, many voluneers o mae our very acive club run as smoohly as i does. I am proud o say ha as of Ocober 17h, we have 206 paid members in NVPS. Than you, Gayle, for your magnificen smile and welcoming ways.  Also, han you o he many members who go ou of heir way o al o, welcome, and assis ors and new members. We are geing new members almos every single wee and I have heard from many ha hey joined our club because we wen ou of our way o mae hem feel welcome.

Than you also o he Member Suppor Commiee (Fred Chiy, Gayle Dennis, Emi Wallace, and Judy McGuire) for compleing guidance on how he club should respond in imes of illness and deah of a member or heir family. The compleed guidance is posed on he websie and in his issue of Foofax.

Than you also o he Compeiion Rules Commiee (Sam Schaen, Sco Musson, Gerry Abbo, Bill Prosser, and me). We jus pu ogeher and adminisered a survey o help us ge sared on he very difficul as of looing a our monhly compeiions (rules, caegories/classes, advancemen, ec.). We are in he process of evaluaing survey resuls and will ge bac o you all soon wih he resuls and a meeing dae w we can discuss i furher. Please feel free o send any ideas, feedbac o any one of us. We are all commied o serving our membership.

Finally, I would lie o remind fols ha flu is now rampan in our area.  We have many members in fragile healh who can ill afford o be exposed. Please, if you are no feeling well or even feel ha you migh be coming down wih somehing – STAY HOME! We will miss you, bu no your germs.

Happy fall!

Sandi Croan, Presiden NVPS

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