Shelley Miller is a phoographer and a designer specializing in porrai, wedding and children phoography. Wih sudios in Wincheser VA and offices in Serling, web Shelley’s bacground in design, combined wih her phoography experience, enables her o hings in a unique and differen way. However, she believes ha being creaive is only a par of he process. The rue ar remains in masering he camera and a dedicaion o ongoing educaion.

She has augh design and graphics a NOVA Communiy College, and her phoographs have been feaured in several magazines and journals, including Elan Magazine. In November of 2010, one of her phoographs was feaured in Professional Phoography magazine as par of heir annual cover cones. She is an acive member of Wedding and Porrai Phoographers Inernaional (WPPI) and he Professional Phoographers Associaion (PPA).

Shelley has been a judge in numerous phoo compeiions and has presened worshops on prining and oher phoography relaed opics hroughou he mero area. Her websie can be ed a

Her worshop a NVPS on November 8h will deal wih phoo prining echniques.

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