Andrew Sentipal will be entertaining us in November with a talk on
photographing Shenandoah National Park.
Andrew has been interested in photography most of his life. He started back in
the film days and transitioned to a digital camera when they became affordable.
Andrew travels the country as frequently as possible to photograph nature. He
has photographed Zion NP, Grand Canyon NP, Bryce Canyon NP, Grand Tetons
NP, Glacier NP, Denali NP and Yellowstone NP to name a few. Andrew teaches
photography, sells stock images and writes articles on various aspects of nature
photography. Articles for Nature Photography Magazine and Outdoor Photography Magazine bear
Andrew’s signature. His images have appeared in galleries both public and private, on calendars,
brochures, and websites and in articles. An assortment of Andrew’s images and contact information
is available at along with a link to his eBook on Photographing
Shenandoah National Park.
Andrew’s program will be on photographing Shenandoah and will begin with a bit of history. He
will discuss the many subjects to shoot in the park with some thoughts on how to photograph each
subject including the night sky. Andrew will end with information on shooting at several specific
areas within the park boundaries including Big Meadows. He will share information on some of the
lesser-known areas too so you can make the most of your time when photographing in this great
place. Discussion is encouraged so we can have a great evening together.