Sco Musson will share his exensive experience wih digial phoography sofware demonsraing he preparaion of your images for compeiion using Phooshop CS 5, info Phooshop Elemens 10 and Lighroom 3.5.  This will be combinaion lecure and ineracive session so feel free o bring your lapop if you care o go hrough he seps along wih Sco.. Don’ worry if you don’ have a lapop, pills will sill be pleny o learn from he discussion and demonsraion.  Also don’ worry if you are using anoher version of digial phoography sofware, much of he insrucion will wor wih oher versions.

Topics discussed and demonsraed include sizing your image, color profile usage, image resoluion and various creaive ips.

Wha o bring:

  • 1 landscape oriened image
  • 1 porrai oriened image
  • Your lapop wih your digial phoography sofware of choice

Sco Musson

Sco Musson is a phoographer, lecurer and frequenly criiques, speas and judges a phoography organizaions and clubs in he Norhern Virginia and Washingon DC meropolian area. A Phoographer of he Year for he Norhern Virginia Phoographic Sociey (NVPS), Sco has published a phoo calendar wih his wife, Emi for he pas en years.

“Phoography is a naural exension of my love for ravel”, says Sco. “While I’ve aen picures all my life, i wasn’ unil I was older and could afford o ravel ha my passion for phoography ruly developed. I love he whole process of phoography: planning a shoo, geing up early o cach he ligh, processing he images (nowadays digially), and prining and maing.”

Sco has a passion for phoography in and around waer. He has been capuring images from a aya and while snoreling for a number of years. “I would snorel everyday if I could,” Sco says, and ries o maes several excursions a year o he ropics o enjoy his aspec of phoography. Addiionally Sco enjoys archiecural and blac ligh phoography.

Sco was recenly he end of year judge for he Norh Behesda Camera Club and a monhly Judge for Gaihersburg Camera Club. Addiionally he presened “Digial Worflow” o he Loudon Phoography Club and led his second Sco Kelby Worldwide Phoowal in Old Town Fairfax.

Sco is a pas presiden of he NVPS and has served on is board for several years. He has been Vice Presiden of Compeiion and of Programs for ha organizaion and currenly is is websie manager. He has received he NVPS “Versaile Phoographer of he Year” award and he “Advanced Phoographer of he Year” award for Prins and Digial Projeced Images.

Sco blogs abou phoography and poss images a his websie a, please sop by for a any ime!

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