Prints — Dasha Rosato

Dasha Rosato – Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC at Dusk
Dasha Rosato – Prague, Czech Republic

Dasha Rosato has been drawn to photography since childhood. She got her first DSLR in 2005 and upgraded to a Canon 5D in 2010 when she began her deliberate journey to become a better photographer.

Dasha realized that photography was her passion. She started a photography business in 2011 offering wide range of services including portraiture, wedding photography, and event coverage. For more information and portfolio please visit

Digital — David Heagy

David Heagy has a degree from the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences at Rochester Inst. of Technology. David was a combat photographer in the U.S. Marine Corps. After graduation from RIT he helped develop and operate imaging satellites for the US Government, was responsible for developing image quality equations and quality rating systems. He still helps government and commercial organizations design and use satellite imaging systems.

He has photographed a variety of US and foreign tour. David is teaching a class called Travel Photography Satisfaction for travel companies and at Calumet University. You can read more about it at After learning the technology of imaging David joined NVPS this year to learn more about taking pleasing photographs.

The digital gallery presentation will include travel photos for a variety of locations and situations, and examples of ways to increase your satisfaction with your travel photos.

David Heagy – Flamenco
David Heagy – 1924 Narrowboat 2
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