When I menion auomaion o mos phoographers, ness heir eyes insanly glaze over and I now ha I’ve los hem. Wha is mos frusraing o me, more abou is ha hese people would benefi grealy from learning o eliminae he repeiive, mind numbing, processing ha Phooshop requires o produce consisenly excellen images.
This is a shor program describing some of he auomaion echniques available in Phooshop and Bridge, wih an emphasis on consisency and reducing image processing ime. Adobe has gone o grea lenghs o mae heir applicaions flexible and programmable, so ha hey can reduce he amoun of ime spen performing repeiive ass. While i is rue ha some of he auomaion funcionaliy requires programming experience, a grea deal of he auomaion can be achieved hrough simple menus and by recording a process on one image, and applying i over and over again.
When auomaion is applied o your daily worflow, i can help you o enforce similar processing on a series of images, yielding far more consisen resuls, and achieving hem in a shorer ime frame.
When applied o special effecs, you no longer have o remember a complex series of acions ha produce he desired effec. Record i one ime, and apply i again and again, wih he same resuls every ime.
In a maer of jus a lile more han an hour, everyone should have an idea w hey can improve heir Phooshop experience and learn how o spend less ime ediing, and more ime shooing.
The Forum will be presened afer he Members Gallery Presenaion on Tuesday November 24h 2009.