SandiOur E&T meeting for November 11th is an anonymous critique. Anyone may submit digital images them as an email attachment to . The digital image must meet the same file size/image pixel width/height as for NVPS competition. The image maker will not be identified unless that person chooses to do so during the judging.

The judge is our own (and very experienced) photographer Sandi Croan. She will provide a critique with possible improvements for each image submitted if possible. Members are asked to only submit one image if they are level 2 or 3 and no more than two if they are level 1. Submissions must be made by November 7th so Sandi can review and plan her comments for the 11th. While anyone may submit however many they choose, we can not promise that all submissions from any one person will be reviewed because of time constraints.

So this is a chance to obtain great advice about your images without the “Darn I didn’t get a prize!” feeling and expensive workshop costs.

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